About Me

Hello, I am Romina V Wilson


Hi! Thanks for checking out my ePortfolio. I graduated from the University of the Philippines with a Broadcast Communication and Management degree. I am at present studying full-time at California State University, San Bernardino for a Master in Instructional Design and Technology degree. Instructional Design and Technology works to prepare professionals to improve their learning and performance by applying a systemic and systematic instructional design process with the effective use of technology. The goal of the field is to improve learning and performance.  



I’ve worn many different hats, and think of myself as a jack-of-all-trades but a master of none; however, come May of 2024, I’ll (hopefully) have a Master of Arts in Instructional Design and Technology degree! In the process, I have developed a passion for Instructional Design, which has helped me understand how education and technology work together, and it’s what I want to do for a long time. 



Take a look around my site and see some of my work. Thanks for visiting!


As I complete my third semester in the instructional design and technology program at California State University, San Bernardino, this program has had a profound impact on my understanding of education and technology. I now appreciate that instructional design is not just about designing e-learning modules, but also about understanding the psychology of learning, the needs of diverse learners, and the complex connection between teaching and technology. As the field of instructional design and technology changes quickly, I have learned the importance of being adaptable by using new tools, methodologies, and educational trends to accommodate different learning preferences and to help learners learn better. Effective communication and collaboration with educators, subject matter experts, and stakeholders are vital in this field. Ethical considerations such as data privacy, accessibility, and the digital divide are crucial in ensuring that technology is used responsibly and inclusively. I am excited about future opportunities to apply what I have learned and make a meaningful impact in the field of education.