instructional Design & Technology


What is Educational Research?

Education research is a scientific field of study that explores learning processes and evaluates educational institutions and instructors’ impact on student outcomes. Multiple methodologies are used to understand critical aspects of learning and improve investigation. The ultimate goal is to optimize the learning environment, promote academic excellence, and enhance student performance.-What is education research?. American Educational Research Association. (n.d.).

What is Traditional Research?

When it comes to educational research, there is often a disconnect between the research being conducted and the actual educational setting. Many researchers approach their studies from an outsider’s perspective, attempting to remain unbiased and objective in their exploration of educational issues, questions, and processes. This is what is known as traditional educational research, and it has become the norm in the academic world. Often times, these researchers seek to answer the question, “Why?” by delving into statistics, data, and trends to uncover the underlying reasons behind specific educational occurrences. While this approach can yield valuable insights into the workings of an educational system, it’s important to also consider the views and experiences of those who are in the thick of it – students, teachers, and administrators who are on the front lines. It’s important for researchers to balance their research with valuable input from those who know the system best, in order to create a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand. – Schmuck, R. A. (1997). Practical action research for change. Arlington Heights, IL: SkyLight Professional Development; Gay, L.R., & Airasian, P. (2000). Educational research: competencies for analysis and application (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall

What is Action Research?

Action research is a valuable methodology that aims to enhance the quality of education by enabling teachers, administrators, counselors, and other stakeholders to investigate their own educational practices. It is a systematic inquiry that allows these individuals to examine and evaluate various aspects of their teaching and learning environments in order to improve the educational outcomes for their students. This approach involves a wide range of activities such as observation, documentation, analysis, reflection, and collaboration. It is a cyclic process that begins with identifying a problem, planning interventions, taking action, collecting and analyzing data, and reflecting on the outcomes. The results of action research can be used to inform evidence-based decision-making, improve teaching practices, and enhance student learning. By engaging in action research, educators can play an active role in creating positive change within their own educational communities. – Mills, G. E. (2011). Action research: a guide for the teacher researcher (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

9 Steps of Action Research

Research methodologies:
Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research

When researchers want to study how people behave, they have two main options: qualitative or quantitative research. Qualitative research means asking people open-ended questions, watching them, or looking at specific examples to get a deeper understanding. Quantitative research means collecting numbers and using math to find patterns. Both ways have good and bad points, and which one to use depends on the question being researched, how big the project is, and how much money or people there are. Sometimes, it’s useful to use both methods to get a better understanding. Whatever method is chosen, it’s important to be fair and to explain the results in a way that makes sense to the people who want to know. – Creswell, J.W. (2023). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications


Educational research is an essential component of instructional design processes. Research provides the foundation for course design, allowing instructional designers to make informed decisions about the most effective strategies for teaching and learning. Research can also help designers identify potential problems and develop solutions that are tailored to the needs of the learners. Action research is especially beneficial in instructional design because it allows designers to observe and assess the effectiveness of their strategies in real time. This type of research can provide valuable feedback on the effectiveness of the course design and can be used to make adjustments as needed. In addition, research can provide a wealth of information about the best practices for teaching and learning, and help designers identify the most effective strategies for teaching and learning, as well as the most effective ways to assess student learning. Backing up a course design with adequate, sound research is essential for creating an effective learning experience. Research can provide the foundation for making informed decisions about the most effective strategies for teaching and learning, as well as help designers identify potential problems and develop solutions tailored to the needs of the learners.